The main location for the AlpWeek is the Perla Conference centre. Some sessions will be held in different locations, which are indicated in the description.
Monday, 23 September
14:00 – 17:00
Welcoming excursion – Borderless
Gorizia – Nova Gorica
Organiser: Posoški razvojni center – Soča Valley Development Centre
Place: Start: Train station Gorizia Centrale (IT) / End: Xcenter, Nova Gorica
Short description: The welcoming excursion will symbolically take participants between two countries and two towns that coexist right on the border. So close and yet so different… Gorizia on the Italian side and Nova Gorica on the Slovenian side. On a guided cycle tour, with stops at key points in both towns, each participant will be able to recognise and experience the characteristics, differences and similarities of each side of the border of the common area that will be celebrated as the European Capital of Culture GO! 2025.
Practical information
Language: English
Participants: maximum 30
Gear: rain gear
Bicycles will be available on site for participants who don’t have their own
Topic: Quality of life
14:00 – 17:00
Side event
TQoL Living Labs – exchanging experience and its inclusion in Alpine practice
Organiser: ESPON Contact Point Slovenia
Place: Perla Hotel, Pinta hall
The event will present practical experiences of using the TQoL Living labs instrument in the Alpine region. The Living Labs have been organised in the framework of the ESPON territorial and the project Alpine Compass: Youth for quality of life in the Alps (CIPRA Slovenija). At the event, we will share with invited experts the experience gained and the possibilities for integrating the Living Labs method into ongoing planning activities and processes.
The cost of the ESPON side event is fully covered by the organiser. Therefore, the event is completely free of charge and does not require any contribution.
Practical information
• Language: English
• Participants: 40
18:00 – 19:00
Round table: Where the Alps lean towards the Adriatic
Organiser: GO! 2025 and Alpweek
Place: Xcenter Nova Gorica, Delpinova ulica 20, 5000 Nova Gorica
A discussion on the art of memory and contemporary fronts
Through a conversation with three actors from the official programme of the ‘European Capital of Culture 2025 Nova Gorica – Gorizia’, we will be guided along the front lines of the Great War, the removal of the railway tracks from the Kolodvorska Street, and the border crossing of the twin towns of the conurbation.
• Professor Dr Saša Dobrič, University of Nova Gorica, Director of the Doctoral Programme in Cultural Heritage Studies
• Professor Maša Klavora, activist and coordinator, who believes in the Soča Valley and the European idea of the Path of Peace
• Andrea Bellavite, writer and theologist, author of the European Capital of Culture Guide “Gorizia Nova Gorica. Connected Cities”
The discussion is moderated by Dr Stojan Pelko, Programme Manager of GO! 2025.
Further information:
18:00 – 19:00
Film screening: ACTIVIST
Organiser: CIPRA International, Yoalin project, Kulturni Dom and CIPRA Slovenia
Place: Kulturni Dom, Nova Gorica
How do we deal with the eco-social crisis? Is activism a utopia? The documentary series ACTIVIST follows the journey of seven young people from the Seeding for Future team. They met activists and initiatives in Slovenia, Italy, Poland, Germany and Belgium who are campaigning for climate and social justice. The inspiring conversations show the diversity of ideas and strategies for shaping a fairer and more environmentally friendly world. The screening will be followed by an exclusive discussion with producer Arthur Parmentier. Let yourself be carried away by the stories from civil disobedience to the European Parliament and discover new ways of engaging across borders. This event is part of the YOALIN project of CIPRA International and is financially supported by the Liechtenstein Office of Environment. After the screening, you’ll have the opportunity to take part in an Alpine buffet at the Xcenter (2 walking minutes distance).
Practical information
Language: Original version with English subtitles
Admissioon is free of charge! No registration required.
Further information:
Alpine buffet
Organiser: GO! 2025 and Alpweek
Place: Xcenter Nova Gorica, Delpinova ulica 20, 5000 Nova Gorica
We encourage all participants to bring some local food/drinks to be shared at the event, to celebrate the diversity of Alpine food culture.
Please mark the ingredients of the food you bring.
Tuesday, 24 September
08:30 – 09:00
Registration – Coffee
09:00 – 10:30
Opening and keynote speeches
The AlpWeek will be moderated by Sofia Farina and Miro Kristan
Alenka Smerkolj (Secretary General of the Alpine Convention)
Emil Ferjančič (Ministry of Natural Resources and Spatial Planning, President of the Permanent Committee of the Alpine Conference)
Keynote 1: Biophysical, economic, technological, and social limits to climate change mitigation and adaptation
Speaker: Lučka Kajfež Bogataj, climatologist, professor at the Faculty of Biotechnology in Ljubljana and member of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change – IPCC. She is considered one of the pioneers of climate change research in Slovenia, with a particular focus on the impact of weather and climate change on agricultural production
Increasing temperatures, changing precipitation patterns and more intense and frequent natural hazards will impact on the landscapes and environmental processes in alpine environment, economy and society. To enable the sustainable development of the alpine space in the context of climate change, both mitigation and adaptation efforts are required. Conservation managers, the tourism industry, and local communities have implemented or are proposing a range of mitigation and adaptation strategies. Some stakeholder strategies complement each other, while others are potential sources of conflict. Unfortunately mitigation and adaptation strategies can have biophysical, economic, technological, and social limits.
Keynote 2: Indeed in our hands – Optimistic reflections on biodiversity governance
Speaker: Serena Arduino, President CIPRA International, Observer in the Alpine Biodiversity Board and EUSALP Action Groups on green infrastructure and environmental and cultural resources.
A look at the governance of biodiversity on the global, European and Alpine level. A reflection on the past twenty years and an outlook on the next twenty years inspired by facts and the opinions of key biodiversity players from civil society and institutions. The point of view of an irredeemable optimist.
Keynote 3: Economy for the common good – An economic model for a good quality of life
Speaker: Christian Felber, author, university lecturer, initiator of the “Economy for the Common Good” and the “Co-operative for the Common Good”, Austria
The aim of the current economic system is profit, returns and the unlimited growth of gross domestic product. Future-oriented alternatives to this unsustainable and inhuman model are currently emerging, one of which is the Economy for the Common Good (ECG). When measuring the quality of life, the well-being of all and of nature must be taken into account: to this end, the ECG offers the common good product (national economy) and the common good balance (corporate management). How can these instruments be used in the future and integrated into political decision-making processes?
Further information:
10:30 – 11:00
Coffee Break
11:00 – 12:00
Participants: Matej Ogrin (President CIPRA Slovenia), Christina Bauer (Head of Managing Authority, Interreg Alpine Space Programme), Ingrid Fischer (President of the Alpine Town of the Year Association), Nina Seljak (National coordination for EU Macro-Regional Strategies), Miha Kobal (local farmer from Soča Valley), Jacqueline Hillmann (young woman working for the mountain municipality of Balderschwang), Review of the past 20 years and moderation by Claire Simon (Val&Monti).
Short description:
From transnational organisations to local farmers, participants of the round table will delve into the evolving landscape of life, work, and action in the Alps. Join us as we reflect on two decades of transformation: How has life in the Alps changed? What positive developments and initiatives have the participants experienced in their field of action and where do they see room for improvement? This dialogue promises insights, inspiration, and a call to action as we carve the path forward for a future worth living for people and all other species in the Alps.
12:00 – 12:30
12:30 – 14:00
13:30 – 18:00
Excursion 1
Vipava valley climate cha(lle)nges
Excursion leaders: Adrijana Perkon (University of Primorska, Department of Geography)
Short description:
The excursion to the Vipava Valley will focus on the impacts of climate change, which are significantly reflected in agriculture, one of the main economic sectors of the valley (wine production and fruit growing). Join us for the visit of the Vogršček irrigation reservoir, the karst springs of the Vipava River and a farm. This will be the opportunity to learn about their experiences in dealing with the effects of climate change and taste some delicious local products.
Practical information:
Language: English
Participants: 30 maximum
Gear: hiking shoes, rain gear
Fee: 10 EUR
Topics: Climate, Biodiversity
Excursion 2
The story of the burning Kras forest
Excursion leaders: CIPRA Slovenija, Slovenia Forest service, Komen volunteer fire brigade, Tourist Information Centre Miren Kras
Short description:
The Kras region was impacted by the largest wildfire in the history of Slovenia in 2022. The excursion will start near the Italian border in Opatje Selo, from where we will hike towards Cerje. Through several stops, the Slovenian forest service will present the extent of the fire, its impact on biodiversity, the rehabilitation plan, its implementation and the reforestation of the karst region over the last 150 years. Volunteers played an important role during and after the fires. A local firefighter will present the work of local fire brigades and share experiences from the field. In Cerje we will also visit the Monument of Peace and the Observation Tower. This magnificent architecture is located at the heart of the natural amphitheatre, offering splendid views of all four points of the compass: the Adriatic Sea, the Friuli Plains, the Julian Alps and the Vipava Valley. We will finish the excursion with the vegan catering of local products at the organic farm Tavčar in Nova Gorica.
Practical information
Language: English
Participants: 30 maximum
Gear: hiking shoes, rain gear
Fee: 10 EUR
Topics: Climate, Biodiversity
14:00 – 15:30
Session leaders and invited experts: Katharina Zwettler, Chair of the Alpine Climate Board (ACB), Federal Ministry for Climate Action (Austria), Orsolya Lelkes (Psychodrama Director)
Short description:
Where do we, the Alpine Climate Board (ACB), see obstacles to the implementation of activities in our work towards climate neutral and climate resilient Alps 2050? The ACB offers formats to improve communication skills and methods to support multipliers working at the Alpine level to develop tailor-made approaches to climate action. We focus on human factors and positive narratives, linked to local contexts and specific needs. We would like to start the workshop by sharing our first learnings with you, then get insights into YOUR experiences and processes related to climate action and sustainable development. We will explore these themes using experiential learning methods, incorporating the wisdom of the body, emotions and intuition alongside cognitive understanding, with the goal to strengthen and inspire each other.
Note: This session is linked to the side event “Engaging Stakeholders for Climate Action” on Thursday, 26th September.
Topics: Climate, Quality of life
Language: English
Session leaders and invited experts: Serena Arduino (CIPRA International) and Claudio Celada (LIPU-BirdLife Italy) moderators, Guido Plassmann (ALPARC), Francesca Roseo (LIPU), Federico Beffa and Paolo Siccardi (Cariplo Foundation)
Short description:
Discover how to move from science to action in the Alps through three ready-to-use tools and approaches. The ALPARC cartography will show you how the global goal of more biodiversity protection may be achieved through courageous decisions and spatial planning taking into consideration main barriers and land use conflicts. BirdLife’s map on climate refugia for the conservation of high-elevation species will show you as well priority areas for conservation and current and future conflict with ski areas. And last, but not least, learn more about the Cariplo Foundation efforts in developing and implementing regional climate strategies, involving several stakeholders and thus speeding up policy change. After this session, no one can claim ignorance about where to focus protection and development and how to integrate them into policy!
Topics: Climate, Biodiversity
Language: Translated in Slovene, Italian, French and German
Further information:
Place: Obrtni dom, Ulica Gradnikove brigade 6 (room: Velika dvorana)
Session leaders and invited experts: Eva-Maria Cattoen (Lechtalps) and Wolfgang Pfefferkorn (CIPRA International)
Short description:
While debates are becoming increasingly heated and radical positions are on the rise, it has never been more clear that current social and global challenges, such as the climate crisis, can only be solved through intensive and fruitful cooperation. In this session, we want to take a closer look at different areas of tension and opportunities. Possible topics include Climate activism, immigration, urban-rural contrasts through the example of the wolf, water shortage.
Topics: Climate, Biodiversity, Quality of life
Language: English
15:30 – 16:00
16:00 – 17:30
Session leaders and invited experts: Wolfgang Pfefferkorn (CIPRA International), Jože Papež (Hidrotehnik d.o.o.)
Short description:
Multiple climate risks such as heat, drought and flooding pose a major challenge to local and regional authorities in the Alps. How can we prevent these risks and improve the interaction between the different actors, i.e. risk governance in the Alpine region at local and regional level?
Topic: Climate
Language: Translated in Slovene, Italian, French and German
Further information:
Session leaders and invited experts: Marion Ebster-Kreuzer (CIPRA International)
Short description:
Soils are a precious resource – and often overlooked. Prudent use of soils requires soil literacy and soil relations, for we only protect what we know and what we have a relation with. Therefore, this session will firstly give an introduction to examples of prudent use of soils and intelligent desealing measures in the Alps. This will be followed by a small interactive outdoor session where participants will be invited to literally get in touch with soil and to share their ideas, impressions and knowledge on it.
This session is part of the Ground:breaking project.
Topic: Biodiversity
Language: English
Further information:
Place: Obrtni dom, Ulica Gradnikove brigade 6 (room: Velika dvorana)
Session leaders and invited experts: Aleš Kegl (Interreg Alpine Space), Blaž Likozar (Alps4greenC project), Katarina Šrimpf Vendramin and Cassiano Luminati (AlpTextyles), Eva Lienbacher and Christine Vallaster (CEFoodCycle).
Short description:
The circular economy is a system where materials never become waste and nature is regenerated. Products and materials are therefore kept in circulation through processes like maintenance, reuse, refurbishment, remanufacture, recycling, and composting. This approach is key in the Alpine Region, especially if we want to improve the quality of life of the population and to reach the goal of the EU to become the first climate-neutral continent by 2050. Gain insight into the ways this challenge is being addressed by Interreg Alpine Space projects, particularly in the textile sector (Alptextyles), green carbon (Alps4greenC), food and beverage sector (CEFoodCycle). Learning how their unique projects and solutions are making our lives more circular can be an excellent start to your own transition to circular thinking.
Topic: Quality of life
Language: English
Evening programme
Place: City Hall of Nova Gorica, Trg Edvarda Kardelja 1, 5000 Nova Gorica
Dinner with cultural programme.
Hosted by Nova Gorica municipality and GO! 2025.
Exhibition Triglav National Park
In front of the City Hall of Nova Gorica
From 17 September to 13 October 2024, the photo exhibition “Eternal Change, Captured in a Photographic Lens” will be on display under the arcades of the Municipal Building of the Urban Municipality of Nova Gorica. It will be presented by the Triglav National Park on the occasion of the Alpine-wide conference AlpWeek, marking the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the Alpine Conservation Park.
The exhibition consists of black and white photographs by the poet of mountain photography, Jaka Čop, and contemporary colour photographs of the same motifs. The exhibition is a photographic journey through time, showing the viewer the changes in the park area through various well-known and lesser-known motifs from the Triglav National Park. At the same time, it is a photographic representation of the national park in two different techniques and periods.
Wednesday, 25 September
08:30 – 17:00
Excursion: Soča valley – Learn from the past, live today
Organiser: Posoški razvojni center – Soča Valley Development Centre
Short description:
This full-day excursion will lead us to the small town Kobarid (Upper Soča Valley). In the town and its surroundings, we will focus on essential elements of heritage and learn how this heritage lives today, what challenges it faces, and how it impacts the quality of life of the inhabitants. We will visit the museum of the First World War, discuss commons in the dairy museum, and take a walk along the Kobarid Historical Trail, which connects important historical places and natural sights (2-3 hours). On route you will also hear about the famous marble trout, an endemic species of the Adriatic basin.
Practical information:
Language: English
Participants: Maximum 30
Lunch included
Gear: hiking shoes, rain gear
Fee: 20 EUR
Topic: Quality of life
09:00 – 10:30
Place: Obrtni dom, Ulica Gradnikove brigade 6 (room: Velika dvorana)
Session leaders and invited experts: Katharina Gasteiger (AidA), Ann-Kristin Winkler (WWF), Georg Kaser (Glaciologist)
Short description:
The session explores the decreasing snow cover in the Alps due to climate change and its effect on the local level. Renowned glaciologist Georg Kaser will introduce the phenomenon of glacier melt and its impacts. Furthermore, the participants of the session dive into the challenges of local communities: Should they develop infrastructure to improve artificial snowmaking? Is development in higher altitudes the way to go? Or do we master a transition away from snow dependency?
During a roleplay we will explore different viewpoints on this complex and challenging issue, shedding light on its socio-economic and ecological impacts.
The session is part of the BeyondSnow on tour series.
The aim of our session is not to present ready-made solutions – because if there are solutions, they are highly individual – but to encourage an open discourse. The session will benefit from project results from the EU-project BeyondSnow and work on Alpine open spaces and glacier protection of WWF.
Topics: Climate, Biodiversity, Quality of life
Language: English
Further information:
Session leaders and invited experts: Julika Jarosch (project manager, CIPRA France), Nika Mohorič from the Slovenian Forestry Services / Zavod za gozdove Slovenije Ljubljana, project partners in the LIFE Safe Grazing project, Kaspar Schuler, Director of CIPRA International and Eva-Maria Cattoen, Manager of LechtAlps
Short description:
Session focuses on modern challenges of pastoralism, and in particular maintaining pastoral activities on mountain grounds, which also constitute an historical biodiversity hotspot, and more and more, a refuge for species in the face of climate change. This session will explore more specifically the conflicts that rise from human-wildlife cohabitation in the Alpine context, and discuss perspectives for policy-makers and pastoral stakeholders.
Topics: Climate, Biodiversity, Quality of life
Language: English
Further information:
Session leaders and invited experts: Matej Ogrin (CIPRA Slovenia), Aleš Zdešar (Triglav National Park), Alexandra Dörfler (Austrian Ministry for Climate Protection), participants of the Yoalin project and members of the CIPRA Youth Council.
Short description:
Quality of life is the result of quality of living. It is therefore very important to ensure the quality of life of the local population. This is reflected in satisfaction with the local environment and a positive spatial identity. The tourism offer that results from the commitment to maintain the quality of life of the local population forms the basis for the social component of sustainable tourism. In this workshop we will discuss the perception of quality of life of different target groups (e.g. local population, tourists, tourism stakeholders, young people) and address aspects of carrying capacity of the area, nature conservation and the achievement of climate goals in relation to the preservation of quality of life in the Alps.
Topic: Quality of life
Language: Translated in Slovene, Italian, French and German
Further information:
10:30 – 11:00
11:00 – 12:00
Final plenary
In a fish bowl setting we will reflect together with Blanka Bartol (Slovenian Ministry for Natural Resources and Spatial Planning), Georg Kaser (Glaciologist), Claudio Celada (LIPU) and one young person from the CIPRA Youth council on the insights and impulses of the last two days and give an outlook on future developments.
12:00 – 14:00
13:00 – 14:00
Internal event
Alliance in the Alps: General Assembly
Organiser: Katharina Gasteiger (AidA)
Short description: Annual General Assembly of the Community Network “Alliance in the Alps”, open to all members.
14:30 – 16:30
Internal event
Alpine Town of the Year: General Assembly
Organiser: Magdalena Holzer (ATY)
Short description: General Assembly of the Association Alpine Town of the Year, open to all members.
15:00 – 18:45
Interactive side event
Alpine Cultures: Mirror of challenges and opportunities
Aula Magna of the University of Trieste – Polo goriziano, Via Alviano 18 – 34170 GORIZIA
Shuttle: departure at 2.30 pm from Hotel Perla
(Kidriceva ulica 7)
Organiser: Italian delegation of the Alpine Convention/Italian Ministry of Environment and Energy Security (MASE), Municipality of Gorizia, Regione FVG, GECT-GO Municipality of Gorizia and University of Trieste /“The Visionaries” Association
Speakers/interlocutors: greetings Councillor Patrizia Artico; opening address Guido Pettarin (Association Filologica Friulana); Annibale Salsa (University of Genoa), PierPaolo Viazzo (University of Turin); Federica Corrado (Politecnico of Turin), Roberto Louvin (University of Trieste) and others
Moderator/facilitator: Paolo Angelini (MASE)
Interpreting and Interactivity Management: EURAC Research (Bolzano), IntrAlp Associazione Professionale & Converso (ABB S.r.l. of Milan)
Short description:
Promote discussion on Alpine culture in continuous search for balance between conservation and innovation, between the preservation of historical roots and the need to adapt to the changes of the modern world. A comparison between the narratives and the feelings of those who live in the mountains in adversity and sometimes in isolation. In search of a shared, balanced approach that takes into account the unique characteristics of this territory, low land consumption and an ever-increasing technological content to support less invasive work. What commitments to promote adequate and sustainable socio-economic development in the mountains?
Practical information:
Language: Italian, Slovenian, French and German
Participants: maximum 100 people
Followed by a themed dinner
Side events are free to attend (registration required)
19:00 – 21:30
Evening event
Sala del Pastor Angelicus, Via dei Rabatta 20 – 34170 GORIZIA
Organiser: Italian delegation of the Alpine Convention/Italian Ministry of Environment and Energy Security (MASE), Municipality of Gorizia, “The Visionaries” Association, wid State Institute for food and wine culture “S. PERTINI” Monfalcone (tbc)
Short description:
Themed business dinner for AlpWeek participants, with cultural intervals organised by the event’s co-organising associations
Practical information:
After dinner a shuttle bus service will bring the participants back to Perla Hotel in Nova Gorica. Departure at 9.30 pm from the Pastor Angelicus Hall (Via dei Rabatta 20, 34170 Gorizia, IT).
Thursday, 26th September
08:30 – 13:00
Internal event
CIPRA International: Assembly of Delegates
Organiser: Nora Leszczynski (CIPRA International)
Short description: CIPRA International’s Assembly of Delegates
09:00 – 16:00
Side event
Engaging Stakeholders for Climate Action
Organiser: Alpine Climate Board
Climate action is a lot about engaging people to take decisions, to act, to accept, and to make changes in their lives and ways of working. The implementation of the Climate Action Plan 2.0 also needs to reach stakeholders “beyond the bubble” and get them on board. This requires skills to motivate and accompany people in many different situations. First insights into how to better engage with people in the frame of climate action will be explored during a training offered by the Alpine Climate Board (ACB) of the Alpine Convention (AC).
The following issues will be addressed:
– Understanding stages of change and social diffusion models: analysing the situation of stakeholders and their needs at different stages of change.
– Sharpening your “role” for accompanying change processes: adapting one’s approach to the situation of stakeholders and the different stages of change.
– Handling different reactions: Understanding and dealing with the effects that change and engagement measures have on stakeholders, including resistance
– Applying specific tools to support change processes: using positive narratives and other methods to support engagement and change
– Bridging the gap from knowing to doing: designing actions and projects whilst taking into consideration the psycho-sociological factors
Practical information:
Language: English
Side events are free to attend (only registration required)

The AlpWeek is intending to be an Alpine Convention Green Event and strives to be organised according to high sustainability standards.